The first week after the delivery is called the “kraambed” (postpartum period). The “kraamverzorgster” (maternity nurse) will come every day that first week to medically check and nurse mother and child. We will come by as well and are responsible for the policy of the care for mother and child. If there are any problems in the kraambed the kraamverzorgster will contact us. If you have any questions or worries you can also call us yourselves at 06-51576755.
We will inform your GP after delivery about the birth of your child, so if it happens that you need your GP you do not have to tell him or her the specifics of your delivery. It is important to register the baby at the ‘stadsdeelkantoor’ (Civil Registry) to draw up a birth certificate. By doing this, the GGD will get informed about your new baby so they can plan their visit at your home for the heel prick and hearing test.
After the first week we transfer the care for your baby to the Ouder-Kind-Centrum (parents-child-centre, formerly known as the consultation bureau). We will give you a transfer paper beforehand. The nurse of the OKC will normally visit you at home for an intake. If you have any questions about the baby before that visit you can call us. After having contact with the OKC it is more useful to ask them questions about the baby.
For questions about yourself or problems that arise that have to do with you, you can still contact us.
If you think you are really ill, or if you think your baby is really ill (for example with fever) you can best contact your GP.
Make sure your baby is also registered with the health insurance during these first weeks.