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Main location
Van der Hoopstraat 40A
1051 VJ Amsterdam
tram 3, stop ‘van Limburg Stirumstraat

Secondary location
Spaarndammerstraat 73H
1013 TB Amsterdam
bus 22, stop ‘Assendelftstraat’

Reception: 020 – 6828657
Emergency: 06 – 51576755
No answer? Atacom 020 – 5923868


Zorgmail (colleagues)

Please note: the above email address is not for urgent midwifery questions. In that case, call our emergency number.

Midwives are BIG-registered.

Practice assistant Karin Caransa

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A trustworthy network

Our practice is an independent practice, but it does not stand alone.

We are affiliated with the EVAA, this is the organization to which most midwifery practices from Amsterdam and Amstelland are affiliated.

We are also co-owners of Echo Amsterdam.

Are we in a (midwifery) collaboration with OLVG West hospital.

We are taking a seat in the user consultation of BevalcentrumWest

We participate in the first-line meeting West.

And we are a member of the KNOV, the professional association for midwives.

We have regular consultations with various general practitioners and with the OKC, so that the care remains well coordinated.

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