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In principle, breastfeeding is a normal bodily function that will work for almost all women and children. It is just something that the mother and/or the child is doing for the first time. Everything you do for the first time takes some time before it goes smoothly. Moreover, you start breastfeeding when you just give birth, often tired and impressed. You have just become a mother, the world has been turned upside down and your hormone balance is in turmoil.

Therefore, it is nice if you already know a few things about breastfeeding before you start. That is why we provide you with information about breastfeeding during pregnancy. If you have any questions about breastfeeding or expect problems with feeding due to your history, please discuss this with us during consultation hours.

Our practice is certified by the Care for Breastfeeding Foundation (now known as: This means that we meet the requirements set by the World Health Organization for breastfeeding guidance. We discuss breastfeeding during pregnancy, supervise the first feeding after the birth of your child and are responsible for the policy during the maternity period. During the maternity period you will receive practical guidance from the maternity nurse who also has a lot of knowledge about (the guidance of) breastfeeding.

The World Health Organization has drawn up 10 rules of thumb for an optimal chance of success with breastfeeding. All institutions for mother and child care must ensure:

  1. that they have a breastfeeding policy in writing, which is made known to all employees involved as standard.

  2. that all employees involved learn the skills necessary to implement that policy.

  3. that all pregnant women become educated about the benefits and practice of breastfeeding.

  4. that mothers are helped to breastfeed within an hour after the birth of their child

  5. that women are taught how to latch their babies and how to maintain milk production even if the baby has to be separated from the mother.

  6. that newborns are not given any food other than breast milk, nor extra fluid, unless medically indicated.

  7. that mother and child may stay together in a room day and night.

  8. that breastfeeding is pursued on demand.

  9. that breastfed newborns are not given a pacifier or pacifier.

  10. that they maintain contacts with other institutions and disciplines about breastfeeding guidance and that they refer parents to breastfeeding organizations.