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You’re pregnant! Congratulations. You will probably have a lot of questions about what is going to happen the next few months and you are curious about how your pregnancy will develop. It is possible that your body will tell you in the first few weeks that you are pregnant but this is far from necessary. One feels sick and tired, the other feels fine. In the first months the idea of pregnancy still can be abstract for many women, but it is important to take into account that you are pregnant. Give your body enough rest and sleep, and eat healthy and varied. 

Do not take medication without consulting a midwife or physician and do not drink any alcohol. As soon as you find out you are pregnant you can register with us. This can be done by calling our assistant so you can also ask questions. Another possibility is to register through the use of the registration form at this site (see on top of the page). Our assistant will contact you as quick as possible (definitely within three days).