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Measuring temperature

It is not necessary to temperature yourself and the baby after the maternity care has ended except when you have any doubts about having a fever (you or the baby) of if you don’t feel well.
If you or your child have a fever or if the baby acts ill (not active, not interested in drinking) please call your doctor or us immediately.

Cold Sore

The first six months after birth people with an active cold sore (that means: an open/moist cold sore before any crust has formed) can be dangerous for the baby. Don’t let people with an active cold sore handle the baby and don’t let them come too close.


A mastitis is an infection in the breast that can occur in women who are breastfeeding. Together with the kraamzorg you probably inspected your breasts several times in the past week. It is important to stay alert and watch out for hard, red spots on your breast.  A spot like that can lead to a mastitis. Softy massage your breast towards your nipple, for example in the shower or during breastfeeding. Look for advice in the green kraamzorg book. You can always contact your doctor or us too.


If you have any questions about the breastfeeding or if you have problems with feeding that you cannot solve yourself there are several places you can get help or information.
On the internet: www.borstvoeding.cominformation about breastfeedinglactation consultant Myrte van Lonkhuijsenlactation consultants Room Borstvoeding
On these sites you can also find telephone numbers to ask questions. Of course you can call us as well if you have any questions. You can also come to our baby café, on a regular basis at van Beuningenpaviljoen. Two midwives will be present. You can talk to other young parents as wel, to share experiences and tips.


We advice you not to use a pacifier in the first few weeks because it costs a lot of energy for the baby to suck on it. Because of the loss of energy, sometimes babies have more trouble drinking the breast. Also, a pacifier can mask the hunger signals that the baby is giving. These things can have adverse effects on the drinking behaviour and the production of the milk.

Blood loss

The loss of blood will decrease after birth. It is normal that during activity the blood loss increases. It can last up to 6-8 weeks after birth. If the blood loss is more than a menstruation or if it doesn’t stop, call your doctor or us.


When your period will start again after birth is different for each woman. Some women start menstruating 6 weeks after birth but it is also possible it starts after you stop the breastfeeding. Usually it takes a couple of months before your cycle comes back. Two weeks before you menstruate, you ovulate. That means that there is no ‘warning sign’ that you are fertile again.


Because you don’t know when your period will start, it is important to use contraception when you start having sex again. It’s an old wives’ tale that you cannot get pregnant during the breastfeeding period. It is true that your chance of getting pregnant is small if you give exclusively breastfeeding for the first six months after birth. Not every contraceptive method is compatible with breastfeeding. Look at:

Pelvic floor and diastasis

Click this link for a good information flyer about the recovery of your pelvic floor after birth.

More information and help with the recovery of your pelvic floor and/or diastasis you can find here: 
fysio westerpark

Vitamin K and D

If you breastfeed more than half of the feedings the advice is to start vitamin K (150 micrograms) and vitamin D (10 micrograms) on day 8 from birth. Give this daily to your baby. Sometimes both vitamins are in the same bottle. Vitamin K is necessary for coagulation (clotting of the blood). Vitamin D is important for the bone and tooth development.
You give vitamin K up to three months.
You give vitamin D up to 4 years.
If you give more than 500cc of formula or if you stop breastfeeding, you only need to give vitamin D (so no vitamin K).

Consultation bureau

After the first week we transfer the care for your baby to the consultation bureau. Up to the 4th birthday of your child the consultation bureau keeps track of your child’s development and arranges all the vaccinations. You can also weigh your baby at the bureau and ask question, for example about breastfeeding.

Baby scale

We have a digital baby scale at our practice.
Everybody is free to use it at the hours the assistant is in (Mo, Tue, Thu, Fri from 9.00-12.30 and 13.30-15.00).
If you have questions about the weight of your baby you can contact your consultation bureau. Take the blue book from the OKC  to write down the weight.

Family doctor

Your family doctor is notified about the birth of your child. If you have questions or complaints after the first week you can also always go to your doctor.

Follow up

Six weeks after birth we would like to see you again at our practice for the last time. We talk about the birth and answer questions. Also we check your physical and mental recovery and give you advice for the future. To make an appointment it is best to e-mail or call three weeks after the birth to our assistant at telephone number: 020-6828657

Evaluation form

Our practice would like to keep improving our care. That is why we like to hear how your experience with our practice has been. Please contact us, and we will invite you to fill in an evaluation form. It is also possible to do this anonymously.

We wish you lots of luck in the next few weeks and we will see you at the follow up at six week.