The NIPT is a test that uses the mother’s blood to check the baby for Down, Edwards or Patau syndrome. The test is not 100% accurate, but if there is a normal outcome further testing is not necessary (because then the chance that there is an abnormality with chromosomes 13, 18 or 21 is less than 1:1000). If the test says that there is evidence for an abnormality, further tests are offered (chorionic villus sampling or a amniotic fluid test). These tests give a small miscarriage risk (1:500) but they do give 100% certainty about Down, Edwards or Patau Syndrome.

What to do if you want the NIPT:

First of all visit the following website: PNS
Plan an ultrasound after 10 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy. 
The blood for the NIPT can be taken from 11 weeks gestation.
Send an e-mail to our assistant that you want a lab form for the NIPT.
State in the e-mail whether or not you want to know additional findings and if you give permission for saving and using left over material. 

Go to a laboratory where they can draw blood for NIPT. The nearest location is the SALT lab at our ultrasound center. At the lab you hand in your lab form.
When the results are in (about 10 working days) and the results are normal, you will receive an e-mail from us. In all other cases you will receive a phone call.

In the end the only way to be 100% sure about the presence of an chromosomal abnormality is to do chorionic villus sampling or an amniotic fluid test. This additional test will always be reimbursed when someone has an abnormal NIPT result.