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Childbirth education classes

Besides the appointments and checks with us at the practice you can choose to attend a childbirth education course. Such a course is meant to support you during the pregnancy and prepare you for the delivery and the imminent parenthood. The method, approach and contents of the course can differ. There are courses that focus on your posture during the pregnancy, to prevent back pain for example. Yoga is directed more at relaxation and breathing. Other courses aim more to provide you with information on pregnancy, childbirth and the first days with a baby. Some courses are to be taken as a couple, others are only for mothers to be. With the latter, usually there will be offered a session with partner(s) to talk about the upcoming birth and ways for the partner to support at birth. The advantage of following a childbirth education course is that you consciously spend time on being pregnant, the imminent childbirth and parenthood. A lot of pregnant women also find it pleasant to exchange experiences with other pregnant women. You will meet a number of women who expect a baby in the same period as you. Sometimes networks and friendships that you can enjoy for many years will develop because if this.

You do not need a childbirth education cours to give birth. However, it is good to know what happens with – and inside – your body at the time of childbirth. If you do not wish to follow a course, do inform yourself by alternative methods. E.g. by reading books or by going to the short information session on childbirth at the Bevalcentrum (Child Birth Centre).

There is a large variety of good childbirth education courses on offer in Amsterdam (West).
Below a list of courses that we would recommend. Most of these are offered in English.

Mensendieck Prinsengracht

Hannah Onatli

Kamini Stam

Greetje Schaap

Amsterdam Fysio

The movement practice

Pregnancy gym:
Mirjam Vos: Zwanger en Fit

Rondom de geboorte

Patricia Vriens

Mom in Balance

Mom & co

Esther George

Aileen Kennedy Mindful birthing and Parenting

Mirjam Vos Mindfulness voor zwangeren

Pregnancy haptonomy:
Gemma Leenders

General courses: 
Drs Mama (most courses are with partner)


Truus Gale (for expats, in English)

Samen bevallen (this is a course specifically for partners and pregnant women together)

Bevalcentrum west (2 hour course in the birthing centre at OLVG West)

Courses especially for fathers:
David Borman


Private class:
Mirjam Vos

Myrte van Lonkhuijsen: Informative 2 hour meeting about breastfeeding and first days with your baby. We recommend to attend with your partner. Dutch evening is at our practice, English in Amsterdam South

de Boezemvriend

Marieke van Luin: Mamma-minds

After the birth:
Meike Wouda Fysio specialised in diastase recti and pelvic muscle floor. 

Guillette Bink

Back in Shape 

Sandra Hanssen-Langeveld (via Mensendieck after birth classes. Focus on pelvic muscle floor and recovery of your body. 8 times 1 hour. Registration through 06 2654 4851.

Aileen Kennedy: coaching, mindfulness, and massage
Aileen Kennedy: Facebook events

Romana Serno: Sterkher

Baby massage: 
Anita de Roode 

Guillette Bink

Merle van de Reep

Mirjam Vos

(Other suggestions are welcome!)